How To Sustain Shine Of Marble

You have experienced the difficulties when you deal with cleanliness of marble. If you invest good amount of money in installation of countertops, floor tiles or wall tiles, you have to do extra care to keep the beauty and shine of marble stone. There are lots of ways to do so.

You may see some difficult stains on your marble surface and countertops which are difficult to remove because of the porous nature of marble. Marble have capacity to soak or absorb everything which spill on it. So if you use chemicals or acidic solutions to clean the marble you can see the etching or rubs on marble. Any kind of stain on your marble surface will make it to loss the shine and grace of this stone.

There are some precautionary measures you have to take while handling the marble. You don’t need to use vinegar or any sort of acidic products to wash or clean marble. Marble is very sensitive and delicate and can only be clean with PH natural cleaners. Mild acid in vinegar can damage the shine of marble floor. So it is preferable to use neutral cleaning products.

1: You have to do special care of your marble, and treat it as special as possible. Avoid placing glasses or cups on its surface directly, any sort of liquid spill is devastating for marble and don’t leave the spill for longer period of time so clean it ASAP.

2: Marble tiles needs regular maintenance just to protect it. The appropriate way is to use damp cloth and clean all dirt and dust. Always wet the marble surface with warm water but not hot water. You don’t need to scrub marble surface if there are no hard material present on it. Use gentle detergent solution to clean it.

3: If you want shine on marble, use dry cloth or paper towel. At times cleaning is just not enough and you need something more than cleaning then you can purchase commercial marble cleaning product. Follow the direction written on products. Avoid purchasing harsh cleaning products.

4: Tea or citrus juices can be dangerous to the grace of marble. You need to clean it with hydrogen peroxide with few drops of ammonia and rub the marble just to give a shine to marble. Greasy liquids can also cause stain on marble, so you must clean it ASAP with warm water and soap.

You have to clean your marble tiles on daily basis just to remove all dirt and debris and keep it free from any type of stain.